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Get To Know A Mama- The Q's have been A'd!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A little while back, I was asked by The Paper Mama , to kick start a new blog feature of hers called "Get To Know A Mama". She set up a cozy little suite for y'all to sit around and ask questions, and then when I had the chance (I made it a huge priority, like a great big dork), I sat down with my netbook after the kids had gone to bed, and started answering away. I think the only question that I didn't answer, which was really like 10 questions, were all of the wonderings about my Tattoos.

Its not that I don't want to answer your questions about all the artwork that is forever with me on my body, thats just a task thats a little too big for me to take on right now. Thats not to say that I'm never going to do it, because I am. I just can't promise when. Before Bean comes? I'll try to make a day of it.

Thank you everyone who headed over to Chelsey's blog for the asking party. I loved answering all of the questions that were submitted. I felt sort of like a blogging rockstar. For a few minutes at least, heh.

So. If you'd like to know the meanings behind the above pictures, and maybe get to know me just a little bit better (maybe someday I'll put together an "about me" section. But until-), then click on the button below, to Get To Know A Mama...

get to know a mama button


Jess Craig June 29, 2010 at 9:24 AM  

hey, just sayin'... maybe it'd be easier for you to make a video about your tattoos instead? sometimes it's easier to just "talk" then to type.. i don't know. just a thought.

Chana@ Mamma Town June 29, 2010 at 9:37 AM  

I LOVED reading all about Tia! What a cool way to get to know my fav blogger better!

CourtneyKeb June 29, 2010 at 12:03 PM  

I'm just catching up in the blog world, and I feel way super creepy close to you after reading that post.

No really, I feel like I know you, and I know you well!

I enjoyed the Qs and As.

and I feel so bad for poor little Ellie and her boo boo.
Seriously I was wide eyed and nervous just reading.
Glad she's feeling better too!

Chelsey - The Paper Mama June 29, 2010 at 2:16 PM  

Thank you SO much for playing! I really had fun putting it together... Did you meet Christopher at a Taco Bell in Oregon? I know you got married in Seaside. Very fun! And, Burgerville as a first job... sigh... It brought back my lame memories of my first job: Godfather's Pizza in Sherwood. Hee.

I hope Miss Ellie poo is doing better. :)

beka June 29, 2010 at 2:57 PM  

That pic of the childrens swinging is priceless--Charlie's rolls, omg!
:) Loved reading the post.
And I am totally with you on the no-photos-on-a-blog-no-reading thing.
It's like a law of nature...

Ha! We get you on the recipes taped to the cupboards...well, ours we put on the inside of em...layers of them, ya know. :]
Oh my dear goodness, I love how you met Christopher! Oh gosh!

Aww, you're a good mommy:) I mean, think forward in their place, when they're like my age, and what they're going to be able to say and think about you. Some very wonderful, some very good, some very very normal things alike.

undomestic mama June 29, 2010 at 4:38 PM  

I hate the feeling of my stomach dropping too! I'm always the lamest girlfriend at the fair

Colleen June 29, 2010 at 10:02 PM  

Just finished reading all the answers over at Papermama's. That was fun! As for your dream list... go to Washington! That's where we are heading next. :)

Rachel Elizabeth June 29, 2010 at 11:38 PM  

Random but I totally play the flute too. Who knew.

Chelsea June 30, 2010 at 2:36 PM  

your blog header is super cute!

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