Magical Easter Bunny Food (re post)
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Last year, just in time for a hungry bunny to start his long hop over to our neck of the woods, Eleanore and I got out some super fun edible supplies, put together a bunny food box, and we made a big batch of magical Easter Bunny food. We had so much fun doing it then, that I think we're going to go ahead and make it a tradition. And because this is something that we'll be doing this week, I thought I could re post it for all of you, in case its something that you'd like to do with your little one as well :)

I actually got this idea from jessicajanehandmade. I missed the boat on doing it at Christmas time, (some of you might remember my being the size of a small house and ready to burst with baby) so I figured maybe I could make it work for another holiday? How about Easter! Yes.

I took a quick trip to my favorite craft store, where all of the Easter stuff was half off (bonus!) and picked up some Easter-craft supplies. A blank oval cardboard box, sugar sprinkles, Easter themed stickers, toasted coconut (I would have bought this somewhere else, but I knew I wouldn't be going to any other stores between then and Easter), and then some little doodads to play with on Easter day.

The next night, Eleanore helped me paint the box blue. We got paint everywhere of course. On the floors, on our skin, on the cat. OK not really on the cat, but I thought about it. The next day she covered the blue box in stickers (with mine and my friend Jessica's help). After that, I covered the stickered box in a layer of matte decoupage real quick before the baby started crying to be held, and left it by the sink to dry. It turned out to be the perfect box for holding magic bunny food.

The next day I set up multiple cupcake papers filled with different colored sprinkles, poured a heap of coconut into the box, and let her have at it. She loved it! Of course an hour later the floor was covered in sprinkles, Eleanore's face looked like it had been tye dyed, and craft time turned into an endless cycle of time out. Temper tantrums and sugar high's aside (shes 2, I expected it), it was one of the funnest crafts we've ever done.

This evening we went outside in the rain, before the big storm moved in, and sprinkled the magic bunny food all over the front yard. Eleanore loved throwing it into the air and watching the wind blow it around her. And who am I kidding, I loved it too.

That is such a fun idea!! Thanks!
oh how neat....we just might have to try this!
I just want to thank you for sharing your life on here. I know that you don't know me but I enjoy reading your blog. I am not as gifted with writing as you are. I also live in TX but a little further south. I happened upon your page when I did a search for endometriosis as I am in the process of being diagnosed with it. As it stands, I will be having surgery to find out next month. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks.
I've never heard of that... but it's a cute idea!!
oh! i love this idea! i think my daughter would too...thank you! we're gonna do it!
Aw, that is such a cute idea!!
Wow! Look at how you've both changed! And now there's another little one on the way. Isn't it amazing how life just rolls along?
Love this idea for bunny food- maybe I'll store it away for next year.
This is so awesome and of course right up my alley. I'll remember this for next year, when Max is old enough.
BTW it is pretty magical looking!! ;)
me and Elie put the stickers on that box together. *tear*
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