Christopher is watching Mythbusters with the cat purring in his lap, the babies are asleep (for the most part) upstairs in their cozy comforter covered beds, and I'm relaxing next to a sky high pile of dirty tissues- courtesy of my old friend, the flu.
I feel a lot better than I have been, so I thought I'd share some pictures from the last week...
These chubby stubby legs may or may not have taken their first step this week.
Charlie sure loves his veggies.
Coloring wooden race cars in between snacking on grapes and watching Halloween Thomas.
In between one of many not-feeling-well naps.
Eleanore took a trip to her class treasure chest, and brought home some play dough!
Rockin' the ear infection.
Lovin' on Lovey.
Charlie's playground. He can frequently be found buried under a mountain of decorative pillows, with only an eye peeking out.
Such a busy girl, these days. School, soccer, speech therapy...
My big laundry helper- dumping out all of the nice clean clothes out onto the floor, and turning it into a train.
Barenstain Bears and light through the blinds.
Playtime! Its rush hour at the ramp way on the play mat.
Such curious little fingers, grabbing and pulling at everything they reach.
Its been a wonderful week.