Flashback Friday- Snow
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Since we're going on day 3 now, of being snowed in (iced in, actually, since we haven't seen temperatures above freezing since Tuesday afternoon, and everything is pretty much a solid brick of cold), I thought I'd make this weeks flashback snow related.
And when I say snowed in, you guys, I mean- the whole town, including the base on which we live on, is closed. Christopher has been home from work (they've shut it all down). Our fridge is empty because we dare not drive to the stores that aren't open anyways, and- the heater has been working overtime to combat the bad breath that jack frost keeps blowing in and around our doors and window panes.
I've said it before, but- we get way more snow down here in Texas than we ever did when I lived up in Washington. When we first moved here, we were under the impression that snow was an impossible occurance. That it absolutely could not happen. Based on the sweltering heat that we experienced in the summer months, I figured if anything fell from the sky, it would probably be balls of fire, as opposed to ice.
But- the seasons changed, and it came the storms. And it snowed? And then it snowed again? And now after being here for 5 winters (really, five already?), we see that it snows every year, and sometimes it snows a lot.
Maybe a lot at once, maybe a lot spread out over the entire season, but either way: it snows in Texas.
This was the view from our apartment balcony, our second winter here. We still weren't used to the idea of cold and cactus collaborating, and every flake that fell lit up our eyes and made us feel comfortable, like only the way your hometown can.
We missed Portland, back in those days. We would have done anything to go back (which isn't the case anymore). Feeling cold, meant feeling warm.
Eleanore had never seen snow before. She was right around 18 months old, in the above pictures (and the pictures to follow). She pointed, and shouted at it. She loved it, whatever it was.
Well. She loved it until it touched her.
Snow is never as pretty when its landing in your hair and stinging your fingers and cheeks, is it? ...mad, mad, mad.
But the next day, after it had warmed up a bit and the wind had gone back to wherever it is that winds go- she had changed her mind, and decided to give it another try...
This is another perfect example of why pictures are so important to me. ...I don't actually remember that moment. Of her running around on the patchy brown and white grass. She looks adorable in that baby plaid pea coat, and I remember those purple velcro shoes as if she were wearing them yesterday- but the moment itself? ...no. No matter how hard I try, I just can't find the play button on that time and place from our past.
Thank God, for photographs.
The picture of her crying in the snow though- I remember that one very well though.
Oh Eleanore. You are my sunshine in a snow storm.
Flashback with us! Go through your polaroids, scrapbooks, old crappy cell phone pictures- whatever you've got. Scan them, upload them, get them onto the computer somehow, and then share them with the world! Or... with us at least. Post them onto your blogs, write a little bit to go with them- tell us your story. When you're all finished, grab one of our buttons from down below (wayyyy down there at the bottom of our page) and put it somewhere inside your post (or link back to us the old fashioned text way). Come back here to this post, and add your link to the photo list below!