Flashback Friday- is it spring yet?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Its been a long week. Its always been a long week, but this weeks longness has stretched out longer than the longest. Okay well maybe not as long as last week, when we were trapped inside our cave because of the ice, but- I'm tired, so right now in this moment, I'm feeling it.
I've been daydreaming lately, of spring time. Of puddle stomping after thunderstorms. Of breathing air so thick, my lungs will need a shower cap. The kind of weather where- when the clouds move in, we can step out from underneath the porch, but as soon as the sun peeks out, we have to run for cover before our skin sizzles.
Rain boots. Garage sales. Going for walks and driving with the windows down!
So I'm pulling out some pictures from one of our most memorable rainstorms. I don't remember the storm itself, just- the beauty that the storm left behind.

Flashback with us! Go through your polaroids, scrapbooks, old crappy cell phone pictures- whatever you've got. Scan them, upload them, get them onto the computer somehow, and then share them with the world! Or... with us at least. Post them onto your blogs, write a little bit to go with them- tell us your story. When you're all finished, grab one of our buttons from down below (wayyyy down there at the bottom of our page) and put it somewhere inside your post (or link back to us the old fashioned text way). Come back here to this post, and add your link to the photo list below!