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Flashback Friday- Both Wearing Button Ups

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I'm in an awkward position on the couch, using the stiff fabric covered arm as my pillow, with my netbook balanced on my hip. Its uncomfortable, but- better than sitting up. I'm tired, friends. I haven't been getting nearly enough sleep lately. There just aren't enough hours in the day. So as soon as I hit publish on this post, I'm off to bed. That is, if I can pry Christopher away from his intense game of Wii Harry Potter.

This weeks flashback is kind of awesome. And kind of embarrassing.

See I have these 2 school portraits. One of my Dad, and one of me. They're not from the same grade, but when put beside one another, it doesn't matter.

I held the two side by side in the air, and I laughed. I am so my Father's daughter.

I was in the 8th grade, when my picture was taken, and I think that my Dad was maybe a Freshman. Either way, the difference couldn't have been more than a year or two in age...

Ignore the fact that my Dad was obviously stoned in his (Daaaad! Shame shame!), and that my head must have been attacked by some kind of hair eating bobby pin monster- we basically look like the same person.

Unibrow- check. Big shiny bottom lip- check. Length of forehead and shape of chin- check, and check. Facial hair- ...yeah well, not back then at least (remind me to get out the tweezers and wax strips this weekend).

Also, nice vest Dad.

I'm totally not one to talk, with my ridiculous Chinese symbol earrings, multiple mismatching necklaces, and button up maroon colored cardigan that I wore every other day.

As you can see, I didn't really blossom, for lack of a better word, until later in life. No wonder attractive-rock n roll-football-player-guy never gave me the time of day.

Anyways, putting these photos side by side, is pretty rad. Seeing the similarities, even though anybody who knows us can easily tell that we're related, just makes me feel so nostalgic.

I guess people used to mistake my Dad for being Hispanic? Umm... yeah I think if anything, he kind of looks like John Cusack. Right? Maybe a little? ...okay well I think so at least (huge compliment to you, Dad. John Cusack is obviously ranked pretty high on the good-looking-dude charts).

So heres what we do. Every week we dig through our memories- old cell phone pictures, polaroids from 1986, something that you pulled out of a dirty shoe box- and we flashback to it. We show it off, and we write about it. We take ourselves back to that place, with as little or as much detail as our hearts are willing to share. Scan it, upload it, copy and paste it from your livejournal (remember those?)- display your memories in whatever way works for you. And then grab out button way down at the bottom of the page there (or link back old fashioned text style), add it to your flashback, add your link to our flashback, and if you've got an extra minute- maybe browse around and read some of the flashbacks left by others. Its just for fun. And really- memories are too precious to be left in an old dirty shoe box.

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