My 30 Day Shred, day 17
Monday, June 29, 2009
The Mama Dramalogues
Sunday, June 28, 2009
First Date since 1964
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Happy 1/2 Birthday Charlie!
Friday, June 26, 2009
Halfway through the 30 Day Shred
By now you're probably wondering how my body is adapting to the 30 Day Shred. Wanting to know if I've dropped weight, or inches, or dead? I'm still alive, barely. My muscles don't hurt nearly as bad as they used to, but when I wake up in the mornings I'm stiff like cardboard. Yesterday I finished my 15th workout with Jillian. I've moved onto level 2, but by no means does that make me a pro. I might as well call it level 1 1/2, after all of the alterations I've made. Level 2 was obviously designed for somebody with much more upper body strength than I currently have. I should try harder to do the moves, I know I should, but I've gotten bored with the routine, so I just replaces them with moves from level 1. They still challenge me, just, not enough to make me throw up the way Jillian intended. Me and planks just don't get along. I replace them with punches and bicycle crunches instead. That may or may not make me a 30 Day Shred cheater. I don't know if there are actual rules.
Moms. This DVD only takes 20 minutes to complete. There are 24 hours in a day. I know you can find 20 minutes. I've come to the realization that I'll never have complete privacy in my own home, so I do the workout in front of my kids. Who cares if they see me grunting and groaning, jumping and falling, sweating and spitting? Its good for them. Its good for them to see that I care about my body, and that exercise is important. Sometimes my toddler likes to pretend like shes working out with me, by holding her 1 lb pink hand weights and spinning around yelling "woohoo! I'm doing it!", and sometimes she'd rather go upstairs and play with her baby doll. My 6 month old baby likes to watch me dance from his swing, or use the sound of my Adidas hitting the floor as a soothing lullaby. Either way, I'm working out. They can complain all they want. They can have me for roughly 23 hours and 40 minutes of the day. This 20 minutes belongs to me. And it can belong to you too.
Who wants measurements? Ugh. That sounds horrible, haha. But for you, I'll do it.
Bust before: 44. Bust after: 44. = no change (please keep in mind I'm still breastfeeding).
Bra band before: 36. Bra band after: 35. = -1.
Waist (directly above belly button) before: 39. Waist after: 36.5. = -2.5.
Hips before: 44. Hips after: 43. = -1.
Upper thigh before: 23.5. Upper thigh after: 23. = -.5.
Lower thigh (directly above knee) before: 19. Lower thigh after: 16. = -3.
Calf before: 15.5. Calf after: 15. = -.5.
Upper arm before: 12.5. Upper arm after: 12. = -.5.
Bicep flexed before: 13. Bicep flexed after: 13. = no change.
Changes I've noticed in my body: I can do a push up like a man now. Yes, I only said, a push up. Not multiple, haha. Its taken me 2 weeks, but I went from barely being able to do a girlie push up on my knees, to actually being able to support my entire body's weight for a brief millisecond. Hot dog! That's a first for me. Never in my life have I been able to do a push up. Another change I noticed, is my stomach. I've had 2 kids, both C-sections. Things are stretched out, and mom-like. While looking in the mirror, I noticed that my Endometriosis laparoscopy scar, has disappeared. It used to be an ugly scar that stretched out about an inch or more below my belly button. Since starting the Shred, things have tightened up to the point of its disappearance. Its still there, only, its hiding inside my belly button where it belongs. Amazing. My arm flab is slowly transforming into muscle. When I flex, my arm actually does something now. My husband used to come up to me and feel my arm, and I'd be so embarrassed because I knew it was all fat. Not anymore baby, grab ahold and I'll take you to the gun show!
So in conclusion. Yes, I'm bored with the Shred. Could I challenge myself more... absolutely. I need to start doing all of the plank moves. I like this workout because it only takes 20 minutes. I like this workout because I'm gaining muscle. Have I lost any weight? I think in the beginning I lost all of two pounds. I've since banished my scale to the depths of the garage, never to return. I'll weigh in at the end of the 30 days, and see where I stand. Do I think I'm going to lose 20 pounds in 30 days? No.
Now if you'll excuse me, the husband and I have a hot date to see Transformers tonight, so I need to go powder my nose...
Burn the scales! Whos with me?!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Gluten free hamburger cake!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Fathers Day art
Rebecca Lane.
Friday, June 19, 2009
My favorite stretch of road in town is on Rebecca Lane. Its the road that separates our tucked away living-on-a-military-base lives, from actual civilization. Its never busy, there are lots of cows, and when driving on it I typically forget that I'm in Texas. I drifted off into that place in my brain where kittens live on baby blue fluffy clouds and scoops of ice cream grow on Red Vine licorice trees. I've been off track this past week. Getting things done, but somehow missing a beat in my routine and not being able to pull myself back into the rhythm. I've been doing my daily workouts, getting all the way through day 10 of the 30 Day Shred, and throwing in some additional yoga to really sabotage myself. By the end of my session yesterday, I literally fell asleep on my mat. Yes. Completely, passed out when I should have been doing bicycle crunches. When I opened my eyes, the DVD was over, and I was left with a feeling of "what the hell just happened?". Pushing myself too hard? Well whatever the case may be, driving down Rebecca Lane calmed my nerves in the same mysterious way it always does.
Fathers Day weekend is coming up, and I've got something delicious hiding up my gluten free tattooed sleeve...
An Angel wrote me an email.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Days 6/7, and the worst tummy ache ever.
Monday, June 15, 2009
The 30 Day Shred, day 5.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Before Shredding, and after Shredding.
I know, I can't believe I've done 5 days either!
Today was Christopher's squadron picnic (for those of you that are new to the exciting life of Christopher And Tia, Christopher is in the US Air Force), which for us, means we get to eat brownies! The military doesn't exactly approve of a gluten free lifestyle, which means we're on our own at the events as far as food goes. Lately, our go to to-go food, is a brownie. Its kind of the most perfect food ever, am I wrong? We like adding walnuts for protein. They're healthy really, I swear, haha. The picnic ended up being awful in every way possible, I'll spare you the details, so we came home way before our departure was scheduled. Instead of eating our brownies in the 100 degree heat, surrounded by a big group of immature disrespectful jerks (OK, so I'll partially spare you the details), we decided to come home and eat our brownies in our nice air conditioned home. And eat those brownies we did. A lot. We ate them so hard, that we had to sweep and swiffer the entire bottom floor of the house. You think I'm joking don't you? No, we're huge pigs.
So because of the great brownie pig out of 2009, we had to kick butt in the 30 Day Shred department. Yep, Christopher too! While I was dressing Charlie in his goodnight outfit, in comes Christopher, wearing red short-shorts, knee socks, and a matching red sweatband. Sexay! The poor guy, got his butt kicked by Jillian. And me? I did great! I didn't have to stop a single time (I brought it back down to level 1 again, haha). I kept up, and I was even able to advance in some of the moves. I can now actually KICK my butt on the butt kicks. Yay! So my endurance is increasing, and I'm 1/6 of the way done with the Shred.
A nice way to wake up.
Rain boots.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
My 30 Day Shred, day 4.
My 30 Day Shred, day 3.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
My 30 day shred: day 2.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
My 30 day shred.
Monday, June 8, 2009
This morning I worked out with Jillian Michaels (ya know, from the Biggest Loser) for the first time. You may, or may not have heard of The 30 Day Shred? I looked up the DVD. I read article reviews, I read blog reviews, I looked at before and after pictures of Shred heads (that's what we call ourselves, I guess. I might be jumping the gun on that one though). After not much thinking at all, I decided to take on the challenge. That's how I start most of my adventures though, on a whim. After being married for 3 years, having 2 kids, and suffering with a ridiculous stomach condition that went undiagnosed for years, I packed on the pounds. I mean, I REALLY packed on the pounds. I became unrecognizable to myself. None of my clothes fit. I was always tired. I didn't want to do anything except sit on the couch and feel sorry for myself (sound familiar? I know this must strike a chord with someone out there).
Just recently I started my weight loss journey. I've walked miles upon miles. I've jogged. I've sprinted (resulting in a badly sprained knee). I've ridden bikes for hours. I've changed my eating habits. And the result of it all? I've lost 3 or 4 pants sizes, and 44 pounds (all while eating chocolate and chips daily). Save your applause though, because I'm nowhere near done.
This morning I woke up, after a rough night might I add, and before even a sip of coffee, but after a glass of water (I'm still breastfeeding, water is more than essential), I put in The 30 Day Shred. The workout starts quicker than I anticipated, after only a minute or two of stretching. Jillian didn't waste any time getting me on the ground and into the push up position (oh god). The hardest part for me personally, was the jumping jacks and jump rope moves. I'm extremely busty, an H cup, and no sports bra in the world can hold me in place. It was uncomfortable, and I had to re-adjust about a billion times before we switched to a new move. The good thing is, Jillian transitions quickly between cardio, abs, and strength training. The cardio of course, seems to last the longest. It was much easier for me to do the punching in place, because it didn't involve bouncing. My toddler was upstairs still sleeping, and my 5 month old was next to me in his Jumperoo squealing with both delight and frustration, as Mommy danced around like a big goof, yet, failed to pick him up and clap every time he engaged a really high double leg kick. Before I knew it, the workout was over. I was drenched in sweat, yet, feeling kind of defeated. It was hard for me to keep up. I felt like I wasn't getting the most out of the workout, due to my lack of endurance. Fast forward 5 minutes to me walking over and picking up the baby, and... shred achieved. Jillian had apparently kicked my ass without me really even knowing it? When it came time to walk up the stairs to get Miss Elie out of bed (she was already wide awake by the way, and probably had been the entire time) I kept praying my knees wouldn't buckle. Falling down the stairs isn't how I wanted to begin my day. How, oh how, am I going to do this again tomorrow? The same way I get up at 3am to feed a hungry baby. The same way I cook an entire gluten free/citrus free/dairy free meal from scratch at the end of a long day. I'll do it because I have to.
My starting measurments in inches (ugh, I can't believe I'm posting these)...
-bust: 44
-bra Band: 36
-waist: 39
-hips: 44
-upper thigh: 23.5
-lower thigh: 19
-calf: 15.5
-upper arm: 12.5
-bicep flexed: 13