Flashback Friday- Christmas Sweater
Thursday, December 30, 2010
After the day that I've had- allergy attack from hell, my not being able to get into the garage because the laundry room is flooded with dirty clothes that we haven't been able to wash because we ran out of laundry soap and had to wait until payday to buy some more, my husband coming home 3 hours late without even so much as a text heads up, baby throwing a screaming fit at the park as soon as we got there, the 4 year old attitude when I told her hot chocolate was not an option for dinner, our slow cooker chicken giving me heartburn because it was too dry because Christopher was late, the previously mentioned allergy attack lasting 7 billion hours, eventually turning into some kind of windy Texas day migraine- ...yeah this flashback is going to be short.
OH! But, before I post a picture that I've already posted before, because I'm a big fat cheater, I have to tell you guys-
Our new blog design is going up this weekend! So take a little look around, things are going to be all sorts of different the next time you come back. Think typewriters and polaroids. ...its going to be awesome.
And then I found that sweater in a box marked "lose weight so you can wear me", a year or so ago, and...

I know what you're thinking.
Ho Ho Ho, right? Ha!
(But really, I totally have back problems and walk like a hunchback because of it.)
Okay that picture kinda makes me miss my bangs.
(Did I really just type that bad santa joke and tell y'all how I walk like a hunchback?)
I might need to go get my haircut this weekend.
...if this heartburn ever goes away. Stupid slow cooker.
Flashback with us! Go through your polaroids, scrapbooks, old crappy cell phone pictures- whatever you've got. Scan them, upload them, get them onto the computer somehow, and then share them with the world! Or... with us at least. Post them onto your blogs, write a little bit to go with them- tell us your story. When you're all finished, grab one of our buttons from down below (wayyyy down there at the bottom of our page) and put it somewhere inside your post (or link back to us the old fashioned text way). Come back here to this post, and add your link to the photo list below!
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