Giveaway: Booties
Saturday, September 18, 2010

Oh, how berry cute you indeed are, little one.
What are you dreaming about?
Teddy bears and blankets?

Or maybe you're dreaming about the giant shoes that are currently keeping your teensy tiny toes nice and cozy warm?
Just think of all of the amazing things that you'd be able to do with feet that big!
-You'd make the biggest splashes in the rain puddles.
-You'd be able to hop on one foot much easier than all of the other kids on the playground.
-You could make ginormous foot prints in the dirt and snow, and trick the whole entire world (or maybe just Brother and Sister) into thinking that Sasquatch really does exist!

Look at how cute those are.

Uh oh!
You lost one!

No no, no no.
Don't get upset, baby.
Shhhhh, shhhhhhhhh.
Hush little baby, don't you cry...

Its okay to cry.
Cry it out.
Get mad.
I'd be mad too.
Recently one of our wonderful wonderful sponsors, 13 Plum Knitting sent Evelyn the most adorable little pair of handmade Mary Jane booties. Sure, they're a little too big right now (as seen in the story above), but they'll be fitting her in no time.
Emily, the lady behind it all, not only sent me a pair, but she sent you a pair too!
You won't be getting a pair of Mary Janes (although she does have another pair available in her shop for only $3.85, if your heart so desires)- but shes offered up a pair of cutie cute cute moccasins, for you! Gender neutral, and equally awesome.
Win a pair of handmade moccasins from 13 Plum Knitting!

-Go visit Emily's shop, and have a look around!
-Come back here to this blog post, and leave a comment telling us what you liked. Keep in mind you'll be winning the moccasins pictured above, not the item that you "like" from her shop. We just want a little feedback :)
-Leave your email. Seriously. Leave, your, email. I don't care if we're blogging bff's, if we grew up together, or if you live next door- if you don't leave your actual email, by physically typing it out, then you just won't win.
-This giveaway is open to both US and Canadian residents.
-You can only enter once.
-Giveaway ends on September 24th, and the winner (chosen by Christopher's random number generating) will be notified by email (which is why you have to leave one!!).
You must leave one comment for each of the following entries, saying "I tweeted", or "I facebooked", or whatever. If you don't leave a separate comment for each additional entry, the entry will not count.
-Twitter: Copy and paste "Win some handmade baby moccasin booties!" into your status update.
-Facebook: Copy and paste the link to this giveaway on your wall, along with some kind of "Holla! Baby bootie giveaway! Woot woot!" type status update to go along with it.
Good Luck!
If you would like to sponsor a giveaway, you can get more details by clicking on our sponsor page up above, and then sending us either an etsy convo or email.
I facebooked it!!! (
I LOVE her simple shawl! You know how I love to crochet... I find all of her creations beautiful.
I want those moccasins! Haha
I'm a way way way amateur knitter and I think its fascinating what other people can do considering I can only knit a straight line.
I love the little flower clip in her shop. I'd totally wear that.
your baby is so adorable!
I adore her little hair clipplies, they are quite precious!
Took a look and saw the crocheted tennis shoes that are white and purple. I think that they are cute. I would like the booties for Brown Baby.
I liked the knitted baby blanket! and those mocasins are just too darn cute and would be perfect for my little Liam-when he arrives of course!!
I love the mocassins. I also think this hat is cute:
thorandellie (at) gmail (dot) com
Such sweet booties to go with a sweet babe!
Oh what adorable pictures darling! She is just so precious!
I like the green knitted hat, it's adorable!!! I must say, I love those moccasins even more ;)
I saw the title and just knew that I didn't need to enter the giveaway, but then I wanted to see the baby because she is soooooo cute and then I saw the little mocassins and they are perfect for either a boy or a girl and since I don't know what my sister is having, these are wonderful and so here I am... entering the giveaway.
cssander at hotmail dot com
This is a cute post, but why oh why are those so cheap?? I had to look to see if that was a typo! Dang if I had a baby I would totally buy those. I'm thinking about buying the flower pony tail holder. What a steal!
hair clipplies for me! Love those! I know someone who would look adorable in them!
Lovely pictures of your darling baby! She really IS berry cute ;)
I love the crocheted booties.
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