And Then There Were Three
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Mom doesn't make pancakes everyday, like she used to. Charlie has to walk down the stairs like a big boy. And big sister Eleanore has to put down her favorite storybook, sometimes at the very best part- to be the big helper that Mommy and Daddy so desperately need.

First it was Eleanore.
Then Eleanore and Charlie.
And now- Eleanore, Charlie, and Evelyn.

The entire summer was spent wondering what life would be like after our new baby was born. What would she look like, how would her cry sound, and most of all- how would her brother and sister adjust?
The answers are slowly starting to develop.
Every day we learn something new.
She has strawberry blond hair, dark blue eyes, and her cries are heard so little that when they do sing out- we can't help but smile.
And as for how the older siblings are adjusting, well...

Its a struggle.
The struggle is out of love, we know, but still- its a struggle.
They fight for Mommy and Daddy's attention, "just 5 more minutes in the spotlight, please!" they beg.
The struggles are streaked with curiosity about this little baby that doesn't yet know how to play Ring Around The Rosies.
Or talk.
Or blow kisses.

The middle child is taking the hardest hit of them all, having gone from being the baby, to... the big brother.
The sadness in his screams of jealousy are enough to break a Mama's heart.
But at the same time, when the first words out of his mouth in the morning are "Evelyn June", how could we have ever doubted that this was the right thing to do?

Daddy has two hands.
And he'll always have time to pick up and put back binkys.

While Eleanore is loving all of her "special big helper" responsibilities- brushing Evelyn's hair, helping put on her socks, watching her closely while Mommy gets up to get a glass of water...
Charlie is missing the days of snuggling in Mommy's empty lap, and sitting on Mommy's hip while going from place to place.
It'll get better, baby, I promise.
My hip is still here for you.
You just have to share it with your little sister.

Between the adjustments and the acting out-
We see the love so clearly.

And this is how it was meant to be.
A great big thank you to our friend Whitney , for making our family these adorable matching shirts.