Goodmorning fancy coffee drink.
Friday, January 16, 2009
The other day while my mom was still here visiting, a commercial for those new McDonalds coffee beverages came on (oh how I hate that commercial). My mom made the comment "I've had one of those, and they're nothing special". Me, being the ho hum post partum hormonal wreck that I am, immediately shot back with "ya know, I'll never have another fancy coffee drink from anywhere, ever again, in my life. So while it may be nothing special to you, it might be something special to someone else, and you shouldn't take things like that for granted". ... down girl down. Sorry mom. ...Kind of? So maybe I could have taken it a little easier on her, yes, but I still meant what I said.This morning when I came down the stairs after Charlie's breakfast (ps. if anyone has any reusable cloth breast pads that they're no longer needing, HI!!!), Christopher had my tall fancy coffee mug that I've had since I was 19, all set up on the counter, filled to the very top with a delicious looking icey something. Do I smell... chocolate? "Whats that?", I asked. "Its a fancy coffee drink", he replies. *long pause*. Then followed up with, "you said you'd never have another one ever again, so I made you one".
Holy mackerel, that guy is a keeper!
oh wow. Lucky girl. Great husband. yep.
I actually said, "Ahhhh!" Like, "Ahhh! That is so sweet!" lol
I'm going to throw up now. That was sweet.
lemme see what i can come up with after consulting the internet. i have a bunch of quilt batting, some of it is cotton and should be quite absorbent...
Yep..I think youll be needing one of those every morning now. How thoughtful!
Lots and lots of points for that guy.
I have 2 sets of cotton nursing pads I used when Kaya was born. I'd be happy to throw them through a fresh wash and send them to you. Email me with your address.
Awwwwwwww! That is so sweet. If it makes you feel better, though, I had one of those fancy McDonald's coffees back when I still ate fast food and it was pretty foul. Homemade has to be a lot better.
awwww.... so sweet! Good coffee is the way to my heart as well. we are lucky gals!
Oh, so sweet! My hubby needs to learn from yours!
hey sweets- I've started making them and will send some in the mail as soon as the reinforcements are home... maybe Wednesday night? Friday night at the latest!
xo you're honey is a keeper- he's bonafide!
i have some nursing pads because i made waaayyyy too many for myself. they are sans waterproof layer - just microfiber cloth sandwiched between recycled (veryoldandsoft) tshirts. email me your address if you'd like a few pairs!
I have a Christopher as well (and yes, he does go by his full name and not "Chris"; I get annoyed when people don't respect that) and he would totally do this for me too. Aren't Christophers the sweetest guys ever? :)
This post made me melt. Seriously? You've got a good man.
I just *had* to comment; I'm going through your archives. :]
Does he have a brother??? :D
*laughs* You have got one heck of a man, Tia! :)
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