Christmas shopping, complete agony, and run on sentances.
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Perhaps 4 hours of Christmas shopping was just a little too much for me to take on...God bless my labor and delivery nurse, Theresa, who after hours upon hours of rib bruising, breath taking, eye bleeding contractions, called and woke up the on-call doctor enough times to finally get permission to stab me in the hip with a 3 inch long needle, and slowly inject morphine into my breaking body. Not only that, but she wiped away my tears and stood by my side when my entire body was shaking and I could no longer speak. I thought I would never make it out alive. My birthing situation is a little different than the norm. I don't (won't) dialate, thanks to a heart shaped pelvis and a tilted uterus. And because of my planned c-section scheduled for next week, an on-call doctor not familiar with my body, talking to a nurse over the phone in the middle of the night, is of course going to go by the books and give instructions to hydrate the patient and then send her home. Theresa rebelled with a throw down of the clipboard, and I am forever grateful. At 3am as she was wheeling me down to meet Christopher who ran ahead to get the car, at the entrance, I asked her if she drank coffee. She replied with a sort of story about how picky she is, and only likes Starbucks flavored coffees. I'm assuming she means cute mocha's with whip cream, and things like that. So the next time I find myself in labor and delivery, which will be Friday at the absolute latest, she'll have a brand new shiny Starbucks gift card waiting for her in her stocking. Thank god for women with hearts who have been there.
-"Hand painted onglazed porcelain mug - Night Nurse", by houseofharriet, $33.
how helpful of her and thoughtful of you.
food allerigies, heart-shaped pelvis and tilted uterous. you're quite the unique indivudual.
wishing you all the best with the upcoming c-section.
first thought: Yay nurses who advocate for the patients.
second thought: starbucks? paubrecita! she needs to be introduced to the deliciousness that is non-burned coffee beans.
are you guys drinking coffee? i was thinking you don't, but I can't remember. I know you avoid decaff because of the processing...
xs and os
That was nice of her to help you. Hang in there girl! We are all eager to meet the little one!
I started to tear up because I know that the pain I felt with Joey during Labor is nothing compared to the pain you have endured. I wish I could make it go away for you. I pray to God that the when it is time for Charlie to come that it is swift and the with the less pain to you and him. I pray that everything goes well. It makes me sad to know that you hurt. :(
youre sos weet.
and im glad you had a good nurse that night.
Thank God for nurses like that!!!
Bless your heart, Tia! I'll be praying for you!
(and thanks for the gift! I loooooove it!!!)
oh my gosh! Thank goodness for the awesome nurse!!
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